Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Bee Removal Tampa

As people become more aware about the importance of Honeybees they start to look for options for bee removal Tampa. Honey bees are responsible for for pollinating 1/3 of all the food we eat on the planet. Monsanto has created a plethora of doomsday chemicals that put us all at risk of our lives as millions of bees disappear or die all over the world. Some countries have banned the use of certain chemicals so as to save the bee population so critical to us all. It would be good if we in the USA would do the same but Monsanto is an American company.

Monsanto's super wealth probably supports huge lobbies in Washington so I don's suppose we will see any laws prohibiting the use of their chemicals anytime soon even though we have seen a lot of Honeybee population die off in recent years.

This does not mean you don't have options for Bee Removal Tampa, you do! Its call Live Bee removal.

But you have to look around to find people who are willing to do Live removal of Honeybees as they are few and far between. There is a lot of quick money being made at Bee removal Tampa because its an emotional decision, and rightly so, bees can sting you and there can bee loss of life. But a Bee keeper who performs live removal is worth finding. Just Google Bee removal Tampa and make sure you go through a few pages, don't just pick the first ones you see. Sometimes your bee keeper is on Page 2 or 3 in a Google search for bee removal Tampa because they have a smaller advertising budget, not wealthy Pest Control companies but small businessmen saving bees. 
For more details click here: Bee removal and Relocation services in Tampa 

Bee removal Titusville

We really like doing honeybee removal and relocation from the Titusville area. The beach, the quaint neighborhoods and really cool downtown. Other than that,  bee removal Titusville is like any other other area in Florida.  Bee Removal Titusville is the key word, as you want to remove the bees and not just kill them. 

Why is this? A bee infestation has the pheromones of the Queen which permeate the entire colony, the bees, the wax , the honey, all of it. Those pheromones are strong and will bring another swam to you before long.
There are about 300 wild bee colonies per square mile of Florida. These colonies grow and divide a number of times a year, and average of 3 to 13 times per years depending on the variety of Honeybee we are talking about and how much food there is in the area. It also depends on how big the space is that the honeybee colony is occupying. Why is this? When a colony of bees  outgrows its location the worker bees (all female) start feeling the crowding and then they start feeding Royal jelly to an enlarged and ready buildtQueen cell. The larva inside is the same as all the other bee larva except its been laid by the queen into a Queen cell. The cell is bigger because it needs to be to grow a Queen, and she is larger.

Its ironic the Queen should lay an egg the will eventually grow into the Queen who will take control of the colony and force her to leave.  This is what happens. They day the new Queen emerges the smell goes through the colony alerting the bees there are two Queens in the colony. The tired old queen will gather up about half of the colony but they will be the younger bees. She will “swarm off” and look for a new home.  This is when you find the need for Bee Removal Titusville, when the bees show up at your place.  Its sort of like God wants the stronger, younger bees to establish the new colony with vigor around an old queen and leaves the experienced bees with the new Queen in the old colony to carry on.
For more detail click here: Bee Removal and Relocation

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Bee Hive Removal Jacksonville

These are the things you need to look at when seeking Bee Hive Removal Jacksonville. First of all you probably don't have a “bee hive” you have a Swarm or you have a Colony of bees, but it is not likely you have a bee hive.

Bee hives are the boxes that beekeepers keep bees in, A swarm is a ball of bees that show up up one day in your yard or in your house and a colony of bees a when the bees have established themselves.  Usually when the bees are there for a week or more there is going to be some honeycomb and then later comes the honey and later still will come the bee babies or larva. 

So, now that you know about bee hive removalJacksonville, which one do you have?  If you see a big ball of bees don't assume that you have a colony, look closer, do you see Honeycomb? Something the size of a basketball can show up in a hour and leave in the next 15 minutes. People will often call and tell me they have a colony of bees that have been there for some time and I will go on to give them counsel on what options are available to relocate their bees. But then after talking with them a while and learning there is no honeycomb present  or finding out they only “assumed” they were they longer because the ball of bees was so big!  If your own eyes have not seen the bees in their present location for more than three days then you should wait until at least three days have passed before you do anything. This is because a swarm is a nesting mother queen and a group of bees following her. She may not have decided on the location where they landed, she might be only resting or maybe her plan didn't work out. This is especially true if they location is near the ground as a bee swarm near the ground is mostly likely going to move on because they are not comfortable near the ground.

Bee Catcher Orlando

So you have a bee issue and so you go online and you check out “bee catcher Orlando” to see what you might find. You are probably thinking of a Bee keeper or someone  who actually “catches” bees not just kills them. That's good, good for you!

The problem is that a bee catcher Orlando is hard to find, at least a beekeeper who is skilled in the area of removing bees from structures, they don’t normally have that skill set. If you find bees on a tree branch or something then a bee catcher Orlando might be a place to start but here is the other thing; bee catchers do not advertise much, its too costly and the value of bees, wild bees of an unknown variety, only have a street value of around $25 bucks. Who can afford to hit the road with insurances for a $25 item? If that is your situation try contacting your local beekeepers association they can be found on a Google search using that term along with the name of your county and state. There you might find someone who needs some free bees.

But if you have bees going into  wall, roof, floor or other structure then you need someone skilled in the trades who can diagnose your problem based on two skill sets a) knowledge of bee habits and b) knowledge of construction.  This is because you have to open structure in order to remove the bees that inhabit them and you need to do in such  way as to not cause a lot of destruction.  Some who knows bee habits and can test for where there are can find them with no more than a small hole or two drilled into the area or they can use heat sensing devices. Then the skilled person can make a surgical cut right where the bees are, catch thebees, remove honey comb, clean it and close it. Anyway, thats wha we do at Eco Bee Removal.  So you can see its more than a “bee catcher Orlando” that you are looking for, you need a Bee Removal Technician skilled in the area of Honeybee infestations.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Bee removal St. Augustine

Bee removal St. Augustine is different from year to year but generally speaking we only get a few calls each year from the St. Augustine area. Admittedly, this may be because of the demographic or maybe people are not thinking about live removal which is all we do. Because of colony collapse disorder and all of the many problems that are affecting the honeybee population we should all be looking at alternatives to protect our planet when choosing our products and services. Sometimes this means using more organically sourced chemicals and fertilizers for your garden so that when bees are out foraging for nectar that are not bringing those toxins back to the bee colony. 

It's a scary thing these days to hear for instance that nationwide in the United States professional beekeepers have lost a total of 40% of all their colonies in one year (2015). Wouldn't it be good to know that all things are being compared equally you can get your bees removed safely, humanely and relocated rather than having them exterminated? Did you know if bees have been in the structure for a long time its likely filled with honeycomb and honey and bee larva? What do you think happens to all of that wax when  the chemicals have kill the bees? Bees fan their wings on hot days to keep the beeswax cool, wax has  a very low melting temperature. Without those honeybees in the wall fanning their wings you can be assured that on the 1st day hot day after you have sprayed the wax will melt in the wall. 

The colony is usually located high in the wall and once it begins in melting process it dribbles down inside the wall and begins to ferment at the bottom. This draws pests to that location but also brings other swarms of bees to you as well. The pheromones and the smell of honey is a huge attractant to wild bees when the swarms are looking for a new home. So you spend this money and you have the pest-control  handle your be problem but did you get a warranty? Chances are you did not or only get a warranty for 30 days. Now it does not seem like much of a bargain when you have to go through the whole process again. Bee removal St. Augustine is like bee removal anywhere it requires contractor to open and clean, then closing  and then give you a warranty. If you don't get a warranty then for sure somewhere along the way the shortcut has been taken. Our consultation is free so why not take advantage of our services?

Bee removal Tampa

 Bee removal Tampa means to me that we don't have to worry, there are always some places in the world that will have bees and that is Tampa. Bee  removal Tampa is sometimes early in the year or later in the summer and I have never been able to nail it down. I always wanted to look at the calls compared to the amount of rain because I can almost guarantee that you can set your clock by rain and by new bee swarms in Tampa.

We have seen is lot of Africanized bees in Tampa. Like that name suggests,  Africanized bees come from Africa. Many people think they are not honeybees but they are. They are just angry honeybees. So when doing bee removal Tampa always be careful how you approach the bees. What may seem as a calm situation changes quickly when you start messing around with them and trying to deal with bees on your own. That can of Raid may seem like a good idea but when the bees defense response sends hundred bees your way, you will change your mind quickly. The difference between European honeybees and African honeybees is European bees might sting  you or even just warn you but will quickly leave you alone when you leave them alone.  Africanized bees will dispatch angry hordes  that will chase you down the road  and never give up, never stop. Now, the aggressive nature that Africanized bees have also applies to their amazing ability to create a massive amount of honeycomb and bee larva quickly. So don't assume that because you just noticed the bees coming from that hole in the wall 2 weeks ago and see 100 bees around the whole that you have a small problem.

 The true story is inside the wall. Unless you saw the swarm arrive you really don't know when it came or how big it is or the nature of the bees because the true nature of the bees is only discovered after the bees are defending something. Once honeycomb and bee larva are establish then you discover what sort of defense mechanism the bees have. You should always get a low price and a high price because you don't know the work involved until you open the structure and see it. Do you have a few pieces of honeycomb or do you have buckets and buckets? If you are given a  flat rate price that should raise a red flag because it is most likely a spray and go scenario. It doesn't cost anything to call us, so go ahead and make our day!

Beehive removal Jacksonville

Beehive removal Jacksonville? Is that what you were getting ready to Google? Probably so. So what is the difference between a beehive, a bee swarm and a bee colony? Well I'm about to tell you. First of all beehive removal Jacksonville is not a correct term.  A beehive is that box of bees where a beekeeper grows honey. That box is called a beehive.

 If you have a bee problem you are probably are not a beekeeper but instead are  dealing with one of two other issues: you either have a swarm of bees or you have an established colony. A bee swarm is going to be a ball of bees that are looking for a home. You might see this ball of bees hanging from the edge of the roof, or you might see it hanging from a  tree branch. At first glance you might think they have been there a long time because you see this huge ball of bees hanging down. But, unless you see honeycomb there's a chance the bees have just shown up. 

Sometimes bee swarms are the size of a basketball and can show up in an hour and be gone in 15 minutes. Always a good idea to  to wait 3 days to see if the swarm does not leave on its own.  So, Is the problem you have a colony or a swarm? Where is it located, inside a structure or in a tree or shrub? How high off the ground are they? All these things the consultant will ask you when you call him. If you have a colony of bees,that means that possibly you have honeycomb and bee larvae to deal with. So now that I told you all this I will ask you again, why did you Google beehive removal Jacksonville? Do you have a swarm? Do you have a colony? Still don't know? the call is Free, 24/7 we will we tell you.

Florida Bee Removal

Florida bee removal is like no other place  in the bee removal experience I am sure. It is a big state with a big population. The structures are many ranging from single family stucco covered homes up to high-rise condos and we had done them all. When the phone rings you never what will be on the other line. Also, you never know what sort of adventure you are going on that you did not expect. We got two calls in the same same day for bees located under a shed floor. On one shed we  cut a little doorway in  the floor and discover a beautiful colony of European descent honeybees. In this case we take our Bee  equipment off because the suit was hot and the bees were peaceful.

The client sees us handle the bees with  bare hands and re-homing them into a box and are amazed. On the next job we feel like we are stars of a reality series. Nature man. But when I  moved that little old dresser in a shed to get to spot where I could cut a door in the floor to get the bees, just the motion was enough to stir a football size wad of angry demons from hell out from under the floor and after me and my son. I had just enough time to yell to  the client “ run to the house” she did barely escape,  my son jumped in the tcab of the truck and rolled up the window.

 Stupid me, I  thought I could out run the bees! Ha! No way, a dozen stings or more and I am on fire. I told my client “I am going home, another day for this job”  Florida beeremoval is that way.  The Africanized honeybee was brought from Africa to the tropics because of their ability to sustain large colonies in such an environment. The environment in southern Florida is not too dissimilar to some environments in Africa. Dont think you are all “nature man” and think your cool vibe will be understood by the bees. These bees will hurt you. Call us for a free consultation.  

Honey Bee Relocation

Many people ask what is the difference between honeybeeextermination and honeybee relocation. The difference is night and day. Extermination , no matter how it is performed usually consists of a chemical applicator arriving on the scene and the deciding what sort of toxic chemical is necessary for killing the insects. This service is usually performed by spraying the chemical directly into the hole where the bees are entering. If the chemical is strong enough this can kill all the bees in the colony. 

But  if the colony has been in the structure for more than a few weeks you must expect that there will be honeycomb in the wall. This is before we get around to discussing the ethics of saving bees versus killing bees. The economics of your decision entirely have to do with the presence of honeycomb. The extermination is cheaper generally but like I said it does not deal with the fact of honeycomb in your walls. 

HoneyBeerelocation compaines are more effective at dealing with the honeycomb found in the wall. Most honeybee relocation companies also go to great extremes at cleaning the structure of all honeycomb wax. But just because someone does a live removal and even goes to the length of cleaning your structure of its honeycomb you still need to make sure to get someone to close the structure and give you a warranty too. Eco Bee removal does honeybee relocation only and we do it all.

Bee Removal Orlando

Bee removal Orlando has a lot of variables. You have the older homes in the old district and you have the common block and stick homes in the suburbs. Since the cost of bee removal is depends on where the bees end up you need to know these points. Bee removal has these factors; How high off the ground, where are the bees located and how long have they been there. How high off the ground has is significant because working off ground level and working off a high ladder has to do with time. It takes more time to climb ladders dragging up all that equipment. You have to work a lot slower to because its dangerous to work up high in a bee suite.

Where the bees are located is important because the amount of space available for bees to fill with honeycomb will determine that amount of “potential work to be performed”. A bigger space means possibly more work if it’s filled with honey, it’s that simple. The amount of space in a soffit is less than the space one will find in a frame wall. So when you say you have bees in the wall for 6 months then the tech is going to think 1 to 3 buckets of honeycomb possible to remove and thousands of bees. In a floor the space is even bigger.

That’s why a good estimate should offer a low price and a high price with the final number only being determined when the structure is opened and analyzed. Just because the bees are in the wall for a long time does not mean that bee removal Orlando means it will have to be a large colony.. Bees in a wall are just like bees in nature, they suffer from lack of food or from mites and diseases that affect all bees. So even though you may have bees for a long time and you are expecting a large colony, no one knows until you open the structure. So when it comes to Bee Removal Orando,  be careful of a “flat rate”, that should raise a red flag. An honest bid should allow for luck to end on the side of the client. 

For more details:

Monday, September 26, 2016

Bee Removal Gainesville

If we get calls from people wanting beeremoval Gainesville area I think trees.  Gainesville is not a heavily populated area and I think the odds are more towards bees infesting trees over buildings, though we have done a number of bee removals from barns and sheds. Bee removal Gainesville means trees, big oak trees that have been hit by lightning. Then that branch or burned out trunk begins to rot out and it forms a knothole in the tree. This is a perfect place for a bee swarm to make a home.

It’s a tricky thing to provide a permanent solution to a bee problem in a tree. There is honeycomb in the tree. That’s a super attractant to other bees and if you are not careful with your bee removal Gainesville you will be repeating this whole exercise all over again within a year.  So, sealing the tree is a very important step and the final step in most cases as there is usually only one hole in each tree. 

Be advised that the lower down in a tree trunk you find a knothole the more the possibility of their being a second hole in a tree. That means your contractor should be taking the time to look over the tree for holes and cracks and close them up too. If you did not know this the best you might find is someone who will spray the hole and leave. If you choose to go this route make sure you take the time to inspect the tree yourself and close up and hole or cracks that you might see. No one knows how big the hole inside the tree.  This is important if you plan to take the tree down. If you are not careful you might think you have handled your bee problem only to find that the first cut opens up an angry bee done. So bee removal Gainesville should be done carefully.

Bee hive removal Jacksonville

People will call about a Bee hive removal Jacksonville and ask for free consultation, we love to help you out. You can learn most of what you need over the phone. First of all, you might be interested to know that when you see bees in your home  or in a tree this is not called a Bee Hive. Be hives are the boxes the beekeepers place bees in and raise for honey. That box is called a hive box. When bees are found in nature they are called a Colony of Honeybees. When a Colony gets too big for the space it is in it will divide into two colonies by hatching another queen and the older queen will flee with approximately half of the worker bees. When they take flight there is yet another name for them and that is called a Swarm of bees. So when one calls about bee removal Jacksonville the first question is “do you have a Colony or a Swarm?

Generally a Swarm of bees have been on premises for a week or less and have not have had much time to start building up Honeycomb wax and there is no larva growing yet. But it does not take long and a large swarm can go to work very fast building up honeycomb and now you have an established Colony of bees. 

If you just came across the bees it’s hard to say how long they have been there. If you see a large ball of bees don’t assume it’s been there a long time. A swarm the size of a basketball can show up in an hour and leave in one minute.  So you say you are looking for Bee hive removal Jacksonville? Nope, you have a Swarm or a Colony, which is it. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Bee removal Miami

Bee removal Miami is year round. In fact, some winters were cold and business just shut down all over the state but bee removal in Miami just kept trucking on! Miami has a tropical climate and that means something is blooming all the time. Bees dont hibernate, they simply eat their honey  stores when times are cold, which are not often in Miami. You will get lots of bees if the structure they inhabit is big. The way bee removal is prices usually has to do with these 3 things; how high off the ground are they, how long have the bees been there and how big is the space they are in. These three things are important because they determine the cost of bee removal. Its all about time. If the job is done right it is all about time. 

When I say a job done right we are talking about removing honeycomb when you  are doing bee removal Miami, remember that. Its good to compare Apples with Apples. I mean compare the cost of Spraying with Spraying and the cost of Opening, cleaning out honeycomb, closing the structure and re-homing the bees with equal work right? Prices for bee removal Miami are off the charts. If you shop around you will find someone like us that are really a bargain compared to pest control. Case in point, Pest control will likely be on premises a few minutes to spray the bees and we will be there most likely half a day. See what I mean? So when looking for bee removal Miami, call the home boys at Eco bee removal. We will set you straight and we got you back.

Bee Removal in Gainesville

Bee removal Gainesville does not recur with any great amount of frequency in our live bee removal business. When it does we find the usual collection of bee situations where swarms will locate themselves into structures and out in nature around the residences. Bee removal Gainesville locations include bees in barns and stables, shed floors and trees. Shed floor bee removals normally require us to make a surgical cut into the floor to gain access to the bees and the honeycomb that is there. After the honeycomb is removed the bees are placed in a canister for re-homing. Because shed floors have many entrances we always stuff the space that the bees were occupying so that it is impossible for another colony to grow there. 

This is important because the smell of the previous colony is sure to draw another swarm to that location, it is almost guaranteed. Like anything else you need to hire an expert to guide you through the process because there is a lot of money being made with very little work being done by many companies. . All proper honeybee removal and relocation should include opening the structure, removing the honeycomb and the bees, in our case we stuff space because we  warranty.  If you don't get a warranty there's probably a shortcut somewhere along the way and shortcuts usually mean having to deal with the problem again. Like my dad used to say “if you are going to do a job, do it right” never so true that than with a bee problem, trust me. So if you need Bee removal Gainesville just Call with your questions 24/7

Bee relocation Titusville

Bee  relocation Titusville happens many times in the year and usually happens in groups, I mean groups of calls. I think it is because the flowers emerge according to their season and varieties and suddenly the honeybees which are growing in nature unobserved outgrow their locations. When a bee colony outgrows its location it raises another Queen and that Queen takes over the job of raising the bee larva in that colony. The old queen gathers up all the fresh young honeybees and off she goes to start over again. That is called a swarm. 

Bee relocation Titusvillefrom trees is one of our favorite things to do. Those swarms I was just talking about land on trees. Sometimes they leave and sometimes they stay. When people call  we usually say wait 3 days. This is especially good advice if the bees are found grouped together in ball on a branch under 10 feet which is often the case. As a beekeeper and a relocation specialist I can tell you that a ball of bees found that low will often move on within a few days because most honeybees will not feel comfortable that close to the ground. Africanized honeybees are the exception as their wild nature makes them less picky than there domesticated European cousins. They will just group together, and let the water from the rain and  the storms roll off their backs. Bee relocation Titusville from a tree is especially rewarding when we can cut the branch and re-home the entire swarm of bees back into a tree on our own farm. It's nice to know these bees will continue to work hard for us in nature.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bee removal St. Augustine

Bee removal St. Augustine is different from year to year but generally speaking we only get a few calls each year from the St. Augustine area. Admittedly, this may be because of the demographic or maybe people are not thinking about live removal which is all we do. Because of colony collapse disorder and all of the many problems that are affecting the honeybee population we should all be looking at alternatives to protect our planet when choosing our products and services. Sometimes this means using more organically sourced chemicals and fertilizers for your garden so that when bees are out foraging for nectar that are not bringing those toxins back to the bee colony. It's a scary thing these days to hear for instance that nationwide in the United States professional beekeepers have lost a total of 40% of all their colonies in one year (2015). Wouldn't it be good to know that all things are being compared equally you can get your bees removed safely, humanely and relocated rather than having them exterminated? Did you know if bees have been in the structure for a long time its likely filled with honeycomb and honey and bee larva? What do you think happens to all of that wax when the chemicals have kill the bees? Bees fan their wings on hot days to keep the beeswax cool, wax has a very low melting temperature. Without those honeybees in the wall fanning their wings you can be assured that on the 1st day hot day after you have sprayed the wax will melt in the wall. 

The colony is usually located high in the wall and once it begins in melting process it dribbles down inside the wall and begins to ferment at the bottom. This draws pests to that location but also brings other swarms of bees to you as well. The pheromones and the smell of honey is a huge attractant to wild bees when the swarms are looking for a new home. So you spend this money and you have the pest-control handle your be problem but did you get a warranty? Chances are you did not or only get a warranty for 30 days. Now it does not seem like much of a bargain when you have to go through the whole process again. Bee removal St. Augustine is like bee removal anywhere it requires contractor to open and clean, then closing and then give you a warranty. If you don't get a warranty then for sure somewhere along the way the shortcut has been taken. Our consultation is free so why not take advantage of our services?