Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Bee Removal Tampa

As people become more aware about the importance of Honeybees they start to look for options for bee removal Tampa. Honey bees are responsible for for pollinating 1/3 of all the food we eat on the planet. Monsanto has created a plethora of doomsday chemicals that put us all at risk of our lives as millions of bees disappear or die all over the world. Some countries have banned the use of certain chemicals so as to save the bee population so critical to us all. It would be good if we in the USA would do the same but Monsanto is an American company.

Monsanto's super wealth probably supports huge lobbies in Washington so I don's suppose we will see any laws prohibiting the use of their chemicals anytime soon even though we have seen a lot of Honeybee population die off in recent years.

This does not mean you don't have options for Bee Removal Tampa, you do! Its call Live Bee removal.

But you have to look around to find people who are willing to do Live removal of Honeybees as they are few and far between. There is a lot of quick money being made at Bee removal Tampa because its an emotional decision, and rightly so, bees can sting you and there can bee loss of life. But a Bee keeper who performs live removal is worth finding. Just Google Bee removal Tampa and make sure you go through a few pages, don't just pick the first ones you see. Sometimes your bee keeper is on Page 2 or 3 in a Google search for bee removal Tampa because they have a smaller advertising budget, not wealthy Pest Control companies but small businessmen saving bees. 
For more details click here: Bee removal and Relocation services in Tampa 

Bee removal Titusville

We really like doing honeybee removal and relocation from the Titusville area. The beach, the quaint neighborhoods and really cool downtown. Other than that,  bee removal Titusville is like any other other area in Florida.  Bee Removal Titusville is the key word, as you want to remove the bees and not just kill them. 

Why is this? A bee infestation has the pheromones of the Queen which permeate the entire colony, the bees, the wax , the honey, all of it. Those pheromones are strong and will bring another swam to you before long.
There are about 300 wild bee colonies per square mile of Florida. These colonies grow and divide a number of times a year, and average of 3 to 13 times per years depending on the variety of Honeybee we are talking about and how much food there is in the area. It also depends on how big the space is that the honeybee colony is occupying. Why is this? When a colony of bees  outgrows its location the worker bees (all female) start feeling the crowding and then they start feeding Royal jelly to an enlarged and ready buildtQueen cell. The larva inside is the same as all the other bee larva except its been laid by the queen into a Queen cell. The cell is bigger because it needs to be to grow a Queen, and she is larger.

Its ironic the Queen should lay an egg the will eventually grow into the Queen who will take control of the colony and force her to leave.  This is what happens. They day the new Queen emerges the smell goes through the colony alerting the bees there are two Queens in the colony. The tired old queen will gather up about half of the colony but they will be the younger bees. She will “swarm off” and look for a new home.  This is when you find the need for Bee Removal Titusville, when the bees show up at your place.  Its sort of like God wants the stronger, younger bees to establish the new colony with vigor around an old queen and leaves the experienced bees with the new Queen in the old colony to carry on.
For more detail click here: Bee Removal and Relocation